Showing posts with label Dynamic Spectrum Sharing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dynamic Spectrum Sharing. Show all posts

Saturday, December 7, 2019

OPPO works with global partners to conduct the world’s first DSS data call

OPPO has become the world’s first smart device brand to support DSS, and plans to roll out DSS-enabled 5G smartphones next year

Just this December 2, 2019, OPPO announced that it has made the industry’s first DSS (Dynamic Spectrum Sharing) data call using its world’s first DSS-enabled 5G smartphone via a collaboration with Ericsson, Qualcomm Technologies (a subsidiary of Qualcomm Incorporated), Swisscom, and Telstra.  DSS technology enables carriers to leverage existing 4G and 5G frequency spectrums and networks which accelerates the global deployment of 5G services and bring 5G experience on a broader scale. 

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