SAS and Access Anywhere have announced the launch of a solution that uses advanced analytics and AI, enabling companies to manage and track the risk of employee exposure to Covid-19. The solution aims to help organizations manage their employees' safe return to work.
The outbreak management solution, termed Liberty Corporate, provides a macro view of employees’ risk status in real time in the form of a cloud-based dashboard.
The system includes an easy-to-use mobile app for corporate staff, which can be used to record location data, temperature self-check results and COVID-19 test results that will be sent to a central administration. All data captured is anonymized and privacy is a priority.
SAS’ analytics and machine learning technologies provide real-time scoring and risk assessment of employees in the form of a risk status dial on the mobile app, showing the likelihood of the employee having been infected over the last 21 days. The app also provides a Hotspot Map showing known high-risk locations.