Monday, July 14, 2014

WeChat and FHM: Helping men make the most out of mobile

What turns women on? Is it a keen sense of style? A good head on one’s shoulders? 
Perhaps the perfect blend of charm and wit… 

When it comes to preference, most ladies are into the kind of gentlemen who can talk about something new and interesting. And living in the modern times grants men access to breakthroughs that help them look suave and irresistibly dashing. This is where WeChat comes in. With features that bring socializing to the next level, WeChat helps the modern male adapt to the latest trends while giving a platform that makes mobile conversations both easy and fun. 

Women can’t resist a good conversation

With things going mobile, keeping women interested is now just a swipe away. Impress your woman with a sticker or two or show her the many features that make WeChat the fastest growing social mobile app in the country. Instead of just sending a plain text, use WeChat’s Video Call feature and flash a winning smile. WeChat also has Moments, a feature that lets people share updates on what’s new, what’s hip, and what’s going on in their lives.

For networking purposes, WeChat’s Friend Radar gives an easy one-swipe access to knowing who of the ladies around your area is up for a lovely chat. Speaking of chats, WeChat also has a Group Chat feature that lets people converse with their peers through mobile means. With these tools at hand, any modern male is sure to catch the fancy of a fine female specimen.

But what about keeping them interested

If you’re still puzzled with how the female mind works, what better way is there to learn than by consulting the number one men’s magazine in the country, FHM. WeChat sees FHM as the perfect partner for providing Filipinos with exclusive access to female views, along with other topics including movies, gadgets, music, health, and most importantly, the nitty-gritty of sex and the art of passionate lovemaking. With FHM having its official account on WeChat, users can now get updates and photos of their favorite FHM girls. 

WeChat is also the platform chosen for helping guys pick the best out of the sexy contenders of FHM’s newest feature, the brand walk off to be launched in the same date as its 100 Sexiest Women list. The brand walk off is where stunning hotties from brands like Tanduay, Petron, Rogin-E, RRJ, KojieSan, Exped Socks and Hero Poker vie for the title of the sexiest and most tempting woman to ever represent a sponsor.

With WeChat and FHM, more and more clueless males are sure to be given light on what’s inside a tricky woman’s mind.

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