Tuesday, January 5, 2016

It will be a #YearOfScience for XSTIG!

As we welcome 2016, I have made a personal declaration to devote it as the Year of Science! Yes, knowing more about how things work through the wonders of Science is something that we should grow this year aside from the entertainment and the politics that rule the internet. I guess it is time for us to be scientists and geeks about the world, the universe rather, around us.

Because if there was no science, there will be no progress in human evolution and civilization. Along with Art, science has been the greatest contributor for progress in humanity. Now that we reap the fruits of it (and probably more in the years to come), would it be fitting to educate the world with the beauty and diversity of science in many forms. 

If you had enough of the controversies, scandals, wars, and marketing around us, I guess one can find solace in the science community. Here, people are more objective, does not judge you (unless you base you cause with no scientific basis), and there are a lot of great things waiting to be discovered. 

I hope to bring more science news for this site and I hope you can get engage too. Bring out the scientists in us and make the world a truly better place with educated and scientific public.

Cheers to 2016 #YearOfScience!

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