Sunday, May 6, 2018

Can Nanotechnology Reduce Cell Phone Radiation?

A company based out of Manila says yes, and claim they have the study to prove it.

Nanofixit has developed a shield, based on Nanotechnology, which will reduce cell phone radiation by more than 90%. The reduction rates were discovered in a certified SAR Lab at the Holon Institute of Technology in Israel. The study clearly showed a decrease in the dangerous rays being emitted from the screen, where Nanofixit had been applied.

The knowledge and findings of the risk of cell phone radiation are finding more support among the scientific and professional community involved with the matter. Recently the state of California issued a warning and guidelines to its citizens on how to reduce exposure1. The warning is especially targeted towards children as cell phone and tablet use become more and more common amongst young children. According to Dr. Devra Davis2, young children are especially exposed to danger because of their thinner skulls. Cell phone radiation can thus easily penetrate the skull and affect the brain.

Radiation exposure to a 6-year olds brain. EU and US organizations warning about cell phone radiation The European Environment Agency (EEA), an agency under the European Union, has also raised concerns about the potential risk factors of a prolonged exposure to cell phone radiation. The director of the EEA is calling for precautionary actions to avoid a “plausible and potentially serious threat to health”, such as previously seen with smoking, asbestos and leaded gasoline3.

The FCC4, a regulating independent agency in the US, has set a SAR level limit of 1.6 watts per kilogram (1.6 W/kg), which most cell phone manufacturer use as a guideline. But this “safe level” is assuming that you hold your cell phone at least an inch away from your head, which very few people do. FCC also notes. Many people mistakenly assume that using a cell phone with a lower reported SAR value necessarily decreases a user’s exposure to RF
emissions, or is somehow “safer” than using a cell phone with a high SAR value, according to FCC.

A major US Government study performed on rats found a link between cell phone radiation and cancer risk In a peer-reviewed study, by the National Toxicology Program 5performed on rats, “low incidences” of two types of tumors were found. The rats were exposed to the type of radio frequencies (RF) that are commonly emitted by cellphones.

“Where people were saying there’s no risk, I think this ends that kind of statement,” said Ron Melnick, who ran the NTP project until retiring in 2009 and recently reviewed the study’s results6. SAR test confirms more than 90% reduction in cell phone radiation Nanofixit has tested its products at the Holon Institute of Technology in Israel, one of the leading international institutes for testing radiation generated by cellphones.

The test was done on some of the most popular cell phone brands in the market; iPhone 6S and Samsung Galaxy S6 showing reduction rates of more than 90% for the iPhone and 89% for the Samsung Galaxy S6.

“These results are truly unique for any screen protector in the market”, says CEO of Nanofixit,
John Moe. “It is very difficult to reduce radiation without affecting the performance of the cell phone. But we have done just that!” continues Mr. Moe.

If you want to know more about Nanofixit, you can visit the company site or contact Nanofixit through

About Nanofixit Inc

Nanofixit Inc. is a company with worldwide distribution of an advanced and innovative Liquid Screen Protector based on Nanotechnology. Nanofixit is working with some of the top Nanotechnology labs in the world developing several new and innovative products within the space of Surface Protection.

We introduced our first retail product in 2015 – a first of its kind, solventfree, and completely organic Liquid Screen Protector for cell phones and tablets. Today Nanofixit has a whole range of products with various benefits such as being ultra scratch-resistant, anti-bacterial, anti-cell phone radiation, and water repellent to name a few. Our recent line of innovative surface protective coatings is developed for Eye Glasses/Sunglasses, Scuba Masks, Ski Goggles, Camera Lenses, Helmet Visors, Watches, and VR Glasses.

Our mission is to continue developing Nanotechnology products thatwill benefit and amaze consumers from all around the world. Our vision is to become the market leader and the world’s most recognized brand within surface protection. With our pipeline of new Nano Liquid Coating products, we intend to dominate the Nanotechnology Liquid Coating Space and become a one-stop-shop for Nano Liquid Products for any screen or surface imaginable.

Nanofixit operates out of Manila, Philippines, and has factory facilities in Subic Bay Freeport Zone.

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