Showing posts with label NanoFixIt Inc. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NanoFixIt Inc. Show all posts

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Can Nanotechnology Reduce Cell Phone Radiation?

A company based out of Manila says yes, and claim they have the study to prove it.

Nanofixit has developed a shield, based on Nanotechnology, which will reduce cell phone radiation by more than 90%. The reduction rates were discovered in a certified SAR Lab at the Holon Institute of Technology in Israel. The study clearly showed a decrease in the dangerous rays being emitted from the screen, where Nanofixit had been applied.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

NanoFixIt Inc. has launched a liquid screen protector available in the Philippines

Future screen protectors will be liquid thanks to new advances in nanotechnology. The nano liquids operate on a scale 100,000 times smaller than a human hair and create invisible, yet ultra hard surfaces that cannot even be scratched by a razor knife.

One of the leading technology companies working with this new kind of screen protector is NanoFixIt Inc., a company based in the Philippines that has developed their first flagship product called NanoFixIt Titanium. And the specifications of this product are quite impressive. Not only does it make the glass screen of your smartphone or tablet ultra scratch resistant. It also promises to improve the colors and clarity of your screen boosting that sought after HD effect.

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