Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Globe announces additional Free 1 GB for Facebook, Instagram, YouTube daily

Globe is giving its Prepaid customers an additional Free 1 Gigabyte (GB) of access daily to popular social media apps such as Facebook, Instagram and YouTube to further enhance their digital experience.

To avail of the additional data allocation for Facebook and Instagram daily, Globe Prepaid customers only need to register to any Prepaid promo priced P20 and up.  On the other hand, Globe At Home Prepaid WiFi customers subscribed to HomeSURF199 and up can enjoy free 1GB of YouTube daily for the duration of the promo.  

“In light of the coming holiday season, we recognize the need of our customers for higher data allocation in view of the rich content being shared in social networking sites.  We remain steadfast in our commitment to cater to our customers’ digital lifestyle by providing a higher data consumption experience,” said Globe Chief Commercial Officer Albert de Larrazabal.

“The additional free 1GB would allow our customers to further  explore the digital life in order to achieve their individual aspirations, self and community discoveries,” he added.

Globe Prepaid customers can subscribe to their favorite Globe Prepaid promos using the GlobeONE app. Meanwhile, Globe At Home Prepaid HomeSURF promos may be availed through the Globe At Home App. Both apps can be downloaded for free via Google Play Store or the App Store. 

Learn more about this promo via 

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