Saturday, December 12, 2020

Globe uses global best practice for customer service

“Hi, I’d like to check my data usage.”

“As of December 11, 2020, you have 9.2 GB left out of your 10.0 GB data allowance. Your data allowance will refresh on December 31. Is there anything else I can help you with?”    

Most of the time, customer support inquiries are directed to live agents.  Today,  chatbots are reshaping the way companies interact with their customers especially under the new normal.

A chatbot is a software application that allows human-like online conversations using messaging platforms such as Facebook Messenger. It is programmed with the necessary information that allows the bot to respond to customer inquiries or suggest the next best course of action. It enables customers to get the help they need through  channels that customers are familiar with.

Bots can easily work together with live agents to support customers. Instead of agents answering all inquiries, which may take time, bots can respond to simple, commonly-asked questions. They can also hand off customers to live agents for multiple transactions that may be too complex for a bot to handle.

Globally, many companies are starting to use chatbots to make customer service more responsive and have the capability to quickly resolve concerns. A survey conducted by HelpShift, a digital customer service platform, said that 30% of their 2019 respondents from the US, UK, Netherlands, Germany and France are willing to engage with a chatbot because “(they) are very helpful.” This is double the number of respondents who reacted positively in 2018. The number of consumers who preferred chat-based messaging as a way to contact customer support for complicated issues has also risen by 25% in the past year, it added. 

In 2016, Globe started using  chatbots for customer assistance. Gie of Globe and Thea of Globe Platinum are digital assistants who are available 24/7 to support customers. Gie, whom customers can chat on Globe's Facebook page, is a digitally-savvy, millennial Filipina bot who helps customers with their account inquiries. On the other hand, Thea can assist Globe Platinum customers with lifestyle requests such as reservations, personal shopping, and airport lounge access, aside from account related concerns.              

Globe’s digital assistants can handle requests for both mobile and broadband accounts. For broadband customers, getting assistance to troubleshoot technical issues, requesting repair with a technician, and tracking the status of a job order can now be done with the help of a bot on Globe At Home’s Facebook Messenger. Customers who would like to apply for a broadband service may go to the same FB Messenger account to check availability in their area. Those who availed of a Home Prepaid WiFi device may also activate their free 10GB with the help of a bot.

“The use of chatbots is a global best practice which we adopted early on because we wanted to provide superior customer experience at scale using digital technology,” said Rebecca Eclipse, Globe Chief Customer Experience Officer.

She said that Gie and Thea are particularly helpful during the current pandemic when call centers shut down or downscaled their operations, resulting in fewer agents to help companies like Globe attend to the needs of customers.

“We are doing our best to continuously improve the various touch points in the customer journey despite manpower limitations, and one of the most effective ways to address customer service requests in a timely manner is the chatbot. It allows our customers to get answers to simple requests without having to wait for a live agent,” she added.

Customers can chat with Gie on the Globe's  FB  Messenger account, or through the GlobeOne and Globe At Home mobile apps. The apps empower customers to get real-time updates and manage their Globe accounts anytime, anywhere, right at their fingertips.

Together, chatbots and mobile apps empower customers to freely manage their Globe accounts, freeing up time to attend to other things that matter. Access to these digital  self-service channels  give more time for live agents to attend to customers with multiple  concerns, plus customer recovery and proactive care.

As customers get used to having digital assistants, more technology-assisted platforms will emerge to make customer service more convenient, timely and yes, more delightful to talk to.

For more information about Globe, visit

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