Back in the 90's there was Sineskwela, Beakman's World and many other science-oriented shows which sparked my interest and made me want to be a scientist (inventor) back then. In today's TV, there is probably one or two from the big networks (Matanglawin, Oyayi, and AHA!) but they are only shown once a week compared to the daily shows which are shown just in time for morning kids to catch them.
Though I have nothing against entertainment shows, however it is a wasted opportunity to help the youth in being exposed to the sciences. There were reports and studies on the competitiveness of Filipinos in Science and Technology which the Philippines does not fair well (Check out the worldwide competitive ranking report by the DOST and PH Schools performance to the world stage). What we excel on nowadays are social media engagement, political and social ramblings, and a growing internet population with high demands for mobile connectivity. But Science was probably the option of many as we may look at it as "too intellectual" or "para sa mayaman lang yan".