Showing posts with label website. Show all posts
Showing posts with label website. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Philippine Tech Community Website Launched

The rise in the number of tech communities in the Philippines dates back in the early days of the WWW in the Philippines (circa 1995). From mailing lists to BBS (Bulletin Board System), which later evolved into online forums, tech communities in the country began conducting mini-EBs (Eye Balls or what we know now as meetups) to give faces behind the (user)names online.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Happy 15th WIkipedia!

I have to admit that wikipedia has been a big part of my internet life and is still a great way to expand knowledge (also discern sources and facts according to real and supported links). As a kid, I always wanted to have a complete set of encyclopedia which I would read a lot and stumble on many pages and information.

Since that would cost a lot of money, I almost lost hope of having a library of information that I will share to my future children. But when the age of the internet came and brought a exponentially insane source of information, it was overwhelming. 

Monday, July 27, 2015

OLX promotes the classifieds lifestyle to more Filipinos

One year after its rebranding, OLX Philippines, the country’s leading buy and sell platform, announced it is now focusing on leveling the online classified ads landscape to provide users with equal buying and selling opportunities.

Reaching out to more Filipinos

Shortly after its rebranding, OLX established an office in Cebu to reach out to more users in the Visayas and Mindanao regions. Earlier this year, it also merged with another classified ads platform. Through these adjustments, OLX continues to expand its reach and make online buying and selling accessible to more Filipinos.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Bid and Win All You Want at (And Get a Free Code Here!)

Want to shop for awesome gadgets with only P1.00 or less? Yes, YOO can! At, shop, bid and take home the item that you want for impossibly low prices. is an online bidding site that gives you the biggest value for your money. Your spare change can definitely go places.

How? It’s as fun and easy as playing you favourite game online. Compete with other shoppers across the nation by bidding on gadgets, gift certificates and other good deals on your favourite brands and other establishments.

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Globe CCO Darius Delgado is first Filipino appointed to influential World Broadband Association

[L-R] Darius Delgado, Globe Chief Commercial Officer; Li Zhengmao. WBBA Board Chairman; Martin Creaner, WBBA Director General Globe strength...